Welcome to Blackbird Class
We are a mixed age class with Year 1 and Year 2 pupils. On this page you will find information about our curriculum, the year group expectations, our class timetable, topic overviews, celebrations and photos of fun and super learning.
Curriculum Overviews
Home Learning
We will post any additional weekly home learning here if and when it is needed.
Year 1 times tables tests this term will be:
Counting forwards in 2s to 24
Counting forwards in 10s to 120
Year 2 times tables tests this term will be:
Counting forwards in 2s to 24
Counting forwards in 10s to 120
Counting forwards in 5s to 60
Welcome to Blackbird class
Phonics this term:
Year 1: Revision of Phase 4 blends plus prefixes/ suffixes.
Phase 5 sounds /ay/, /ou/, /ie/, /ea/, /oy/, /ir/, /ue/ (cue), /ue/ (glue), /aw/, /wh/, /ph/, /ew/ (blew), /ew/ (few), /oe/, /au/, /ey/, /zh/ (vision)
Year 2: Alternative spellings of /oi/, /ow/, /ur/, /or/, /ai/, /ee/, /igh/, /oa/, /oo/, /ew/.
Alternative pronunciations of /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/, /u/, /ie/, /ea/, /ow/, /er/, /ou/, /y/, /ch/, /c/, /g/, /ey/.