Welcome to Blackbird Class
We are a mixed age class with Year 1 and Year 2 pupils. On this page you will find information about our curriculum, the year group expectations, our class timetable, topic overviews, celebrations and photos of fun and super learning.
Curriculum Overviews
Home Learning
We will post any additional weekly home learning here if and when it is needed.
Year 1 times tables tests this term will be:
Counting forwards in 5s to 60
Counting forwards in 2s to 24
Counting forwards in 10s to 120
Year 2 times tables tests this term will be:
Counting forwards and backwards in 2s to 24 and 10s to 120, including missing numbers.
Spring Term 2025
Welcome to a brand new year Blackbirds!
Our new topic is 'Amazing Animals vs Dangerous Dinos' and the Term 3/ Term 4 topic map will be linked further down the page.
Our class routines remain the same and can be found through the 'Welcome to Blackbird class' link further down the page.
Show and Tell is every Tuesday from the second week in. Children from a different house group can bring in something each week to tell us about (no toys please - but children are welcome to bring in or email photos of models they have made, etc). We encourage books, pictures, writing, souvenirs from trips or they can just tell us about something important to them.
Tuesday 14th January: Blue (Michelle Obama) House Group
Tuesday 21st January: Green (Marcus Rashford) House Group
Tuesday 28th January: Red (David Weir) House Group
Tuesday 4th February: Yellow (Nicola Adams) House Group
Do speak to a member of our team at drop off or pick up if you need any extra information.