Sambourne Road, Warminster, Wiltshire BA12 8LF

01985 212458

Sambourne CE VC Primary School

Learn to Love - Love to Learn

The Early Birds Breakfast Club 


For registration and booking information please contact the school office.

Breakfast Club is available daily from 7:35am - 8:45am. Children will be welcomed and offered a healthy breakfast to kick start the day, followed by the option to take part in a variety of crafts, arts and sports activities.

The cost of breakfast club is £4.50 per child, per day, bookable and payable in advance via ParentPay.

We are OFSTED registered and therefore we are able to accept childcare vouchers as payment. 

Tax-free Childcare and childcare vouchers are both government schemes designed to help with childcare costs.

Tax-Free Childcare

Tax-Free Childcare is a government scheme that pays 20% of childcare costs up to a maximum of £2,000 each each year. Tax-Free Childcare is a UK-wide scheme covering England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The scheme is open to all parents of children under 12 (or under 17 if disabled). To apply, you must open a Tax-Free Childcare account online.

Childcare vouchers and other employer schemes.

The following schemes are closed to new applicants;

  • childcare vouchers
  • childcare your employer arranges with the provider (known as 'directly contracted childcare')

If you joined one of these schemes on or before 4 October 2018 you might be able to keep getting vouchers or directly contracted childcare.

Using Tax-Free Childcare to pay for Breakfast Club

All bookings for Breakfast Club must be made through ParentPay.  The funds on ParentPay are managed per child and per type of session, meaning that;

  1. The funds loaded for one child cannot be used to pay for another child's booking
  2. The funds allocated to a type of session cannot be used to book and pay for a different type of session

This means that all the sessions for each of your children need to be pre-loaded individually.

There must be enough credit allocated to each session to cover the cost of the whole booking for each individual child.

ParentPay is unable to accept Tax-Free Childcare or Childcare Vouchers (CCV) fund directly, so there is a process in place to enable you to use your vouchers to pay for breakfast club. The funding is sent directly to the schools bank account and this is then allocated to ParentPay.

Please allow up to 10 working days for the funding to be allocated to your child's ParentPay account.

Process for allocation of funds

  1. You will receive an email from Tax-Free childcare which will include a transfer reference to advise you that the funds have been sent to school. This reference number cannot be amended and will be used to identify the funds sent to Sambourne.
  2. Send an email to the school office email address to advise where you would like the money allocated. In the subject line please state; Tax-Free Childcare amount and the reference number. In the email, please include the name of the child, class, date of transfer and the name of the session i.e Breakfast Club £ xx
  3. We will receive an email from the CCV provider or will identify funds received from Tax-Free Childcare/CCV providers during the weekly bank account reconciliation.
  4. We will the allocate the funds to your breakfast club account, you will be able to book sessions - up to the value of your credit balance.

Any problems or queries, please contact Mandie Thomas, School Business Manager in the school office.